Join us on February 19 in Creswick for the Rapid Composter Open Day!

The Gaia team is excited to showcase their Rapid Composting technology at Hepburn Shire Council, in Creswick.

Date: 19 February, 2025

Time: 10 am

Location: Transfer station, Ring Rd, Creswick VIC 3363

The Rapid Composter accelerates the composting process, yielding nutrient-rich compost from organic waste both faster and more consistently than traditional methods.

Another feature of this technology is that the material is processed “in-vessel” which minimises odours on site by being in a closed system rather than being windrowed on open ground. Also, each Gaia Rapid Composter is equipped with a pollution abatement control system to manage any fugitive emissions.

The system can manage different organic feedstocks and has been tailored for clients with FOGO and larger green waste streams, such as park, powerlines and roadside pruning. By reliably processing FOGO waste, Gaia’s system not only mitigates environmental impact but also produces high-quality compost beneficial for community use.

Fill in the form below to register for the open day in Creswick

Please note that the following PPE is required if you are attending the open day:

– Closed shoes (preferable steel cap)

– High-vis (limited availability on site)

Download the Biodigester Technology Profile

Modular in design, the Gaia EnviroTech anaerobic biodigester is both highly configurable and efficient. Download the technology profile to learn more.

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Download theComposter Technology Profile

Designed and manufactured in Ballarat, Victoria, the system is easily transportable and quick to install on site. Download the technology profile to learn more.

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Downloadthe Diary Effluent Case study

The system in this case study was installed in November 2018 as a 12-month research and development project to establish viability of an anaerobic digestion plant designed to convert dairy effluent to energy and minimise odour. 

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Download the Capability Profile

The Capability Profile contains information on:

- Business Overview

- Solutions

- Installations

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Download the Case Study: Modular AD pilot validated at a commerical cheese factory

This case study displays to results of an AD trial on both whey and permeate at a semi-commercial level in an Australian setting.

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Download the Rapid Composter Case Study: Turning FOGO waste into compost

This case study displays to results of the composters installed at Ararat Rural City Council.

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