Gaia’s innovative biodigesting technology is gaining interest and momentum across the Australian farming community and was featured on ABC’s Landline this week highlighting its unique approach to transforming livestock manure into energy.
The 13-minute segment featured Gaia’s anaerobic digester pilot plant operating at A J Trigg & Sons dairy farm and Sandy Gray, Gekko’s Technical Director, who is bringing the Gaia’s biodigester concept to commercial reality.
To learn more about Gaia’s waste management and renewable energy solutions, simply send us a message using our online contact form and we will be in touch shortly.
Source: ABC Landline
Downloadthe Diary Effluent Case study
The system in this case study was installed in November 2018 as a 12-month research and development project to establish viability of an anaerobic digestion plant designed to convert dairy effluent to energy and minimise odour.
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