The Gaia team is excited to celebrate the remarkable achievement of Dr. Tien (Chris) Ngo, who has just earned his PhD from RMIT University! His dissertation, titled “Effects of Biochar on Methane Production and the Microbial Community in the Anaerobic Digestion of...
Gaia EnviroTech News
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Visit: 323 Learmonth Rd, Ballarat, VIC
AD Technology showcased to Legislative Assembly and Planning Committee
Gaia had the opportunity to showcase our cutting-edge AD (Anaerobic Digestion) technology to the to the members of the Legislative Assembly and Planning Committee, including the Chair, Juliana Addison MP. The Committee showed interest in bioenergy and dedication to...
Gaia EnviroTech welcomes Clare Halloran as Business Manager
Gaia EnviroTech is pleased to announce the addition of Clare Halloran as the newest member of our team, stepping into the role of Business Manager. Clare brings a wealth of experience to her position, where she will oversee overall business management, current...
Gaia EnviroTech welcomes new Sales Manager and Technical Sales Graduate
Gaia EnviroTech proudly announces the appointment of David Anderson as Sales Manager and Tien Ngo as Technical Sales Graduate. David Anderson joins Gaia EnviroTech with experience in the energy sector both in static and renewable energy. Armed with degrees in both...
Exciting opportunity to join the Gaia team
The Board and management of Gaia EnviroTech have recently raised capital to support the next growth phase of the business and are keen to find highly motivated individuals to drive the business to the next stage through increased sales of our composting, anaerobic...
Season’s Greetings from Gaia’s CEO
Dear valued supporters and clients,2023 has been an exciting year during which we invested in our technology design, performance and manufacturing systems, and strengthened our organisational efficiencies. We have had some real wins with the Gaia Rapid...
Downloadthe Diary Effluent Case study
The system in this case study was installed in November 2018 as a 12-month research and development project to establish viability of an anaerobic digestion plant designed to convert dairy effluent to energy and minimise odour.
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