Biogas data collected from the plant (dark green) shows it has exceeded expectations based on the early laboratory testing (orange) to determine the biomethane potential (BMP) for the feedstock. Biogas methane content (yellow) has remained relatively steady throughout the trial period, sitting at approximately 60%. Daily feed rate (light green shaded) largely determined biogas production (dark green), but also indicates the maximum loading rate has yet to be achieved.
The graph above illustrates the enhanced methane production rates exhibited by a pilot-plant Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant when compared to the initial expectations based on laboratory testing of the feed material. The preliminary laboratory biomethane potential (BMP) testing produced an expected methane rate of 0.45 m3 methane/kg VS, however the full-scale plant averages 0.60 m3 methane/kg VS, and may indicate that the multistage system is providing additional efficiencies not expected from standard single-tank operation.
Download the Case Study: Modular AD pilot validated at a commerical cheese factory
This case study displays to results of an AD trial on both whey and permeate at a semi-commercial level in an Australian setting.
Modular in design, the Gaia EnviroTech anaerobic biodigester is both highly configurable and efficient. Download the technology profile to learn more.
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Download theComposter Technology Profile
Designed and manufactured in Ballarat, Victoria, the system is easily transportable and quick to install on site. Download the technology profile to learn more.
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Downloadthe Diary Effluent Case study
The system in this case study was installed in November 2018 as a 12-month research and development project to establish viability of an anaerobic digestion plant designed to convert dairy effluent to energy and minimise odour.
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Download the Capability Profile
The Capability Profile contains information on:
- Business Overview
- Solutions
- Installations
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Download the Case Study: Modular AD pilot validated at a commerical cheese factory
This case study displays to results of an AD trial on both whey and permeate at a semi-commercial level in an Australian setting.
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Download the Rapid Composter Case Study: Turning FOGO waste into compost
This case study displays to results of the composters installed at Ararat Rural City Council.
Downloadthe Diary Effluent Case study
The system in this case study was installed in November 2018 as a 12-month research and development project to establish viability of an anaerobic digestion plant designed to convert dairy effluent to energy and minimise odour.
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