Gaia EnviroTech’s in-house microbiologist Dr Lachlan Speirs leads the Gaia BioLab team and operations. Gaia’s laboratory is well-equipped to perform a wide range of testing to support both our design requirements for potential clients and Gaia’s anaerobic digester (AD) and in-vessel rapid composting (RC) operations.

This facility provides valuable data that can be used to optimise anaerobic digestion processes and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We offer biomethane potential (BMP) testing, a critical step in determining the potential of organic waste to generate energy, as well as feedstock preparation, wastewater characterisation and a number of other assays.
The Gaia BioLab team, through a recently completed Food Innovation Australia Limited (FIAL) sponsored grant program, has been able to test a range of feedstocks to better understand the characteristics of each stream and its capacity for renewable biogas production. The group are currently preparing to conduct testing for an AD feasibility study, providing Gaia and the client with the valuable insights needed to move forward with sustainability initiatives.
Downloadthe Diary Effluent Case study
The system in this case study was installed in November 2018 as a 12-month research and development project to establish viability of an anaerobic digestion plant designed to convert dairy effluent to energy and minimise odour.
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