Gaia’s Vision for Bioenergy in Victoria at VBN’s Melbourne Bioenergy Forum

Mar 12, 2024 | Events

The Gaia EnviroTech team reflects on a successful Melbourne Bioenergy Forum, hosted by the Victorian Bioenergy Network.

Gaia’s Technical Director, Sandy Gray, delivered an insightful presentation at the event that covered some of Gaia’s key projects and case studies and what’s unique about Gaia’s distributed modular bioenergy strategy.

Sandy showcased the advantages of adopting a localised and distributed approach through a system of small and mid-scale proprietary biodigesters and rapid composters. This solution offers local agricultural and food manufacturing businesses a practical means to offset their energy expenses while effectively managing their organic waste streams.

Engaging in insightful discussions about the potential of bioenergy in Victoria, our team eagerly anticipates the next event!

Download the Biodigester Technology Profile

Modular in design, the Gaia EnviroTech anaerobic biodigester is both highly configurable and efficient. Download the technology profile to learn more.

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Download theComposter Technology Profile

Designed and manufactured in Ballarat, Victoria, the system is easily transportable and quick to install on site. Download the technology profile to learn more.

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Downloadthe Diary Effluent Case study

The system in this case study was installed in November 2018 as a 12-month research and development project to establish viability of an anaerobic digestion plant designed to convert dairy effluent to energy and minimise odour. 

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Download the Capability Profile

The Capability Profile contains information on:

- Business Overview

- Solutions

- Installations

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Download the Case Study: Modular AD pilot validated at a commerical cheese factory

This case study displays to results of an AD trial on both whey and permeate at a semi-commercial level in an Australian setting.

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Download the Rapid Composter Case Study: Turning FOGO waste into compost

This case study displays to results of the composters installed at Ararat Rural City Council.

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